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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Time for Reflection, New Year 2011

As 2010 comes to an end, we are reminded that there are still a couple more lessons we need to learn before we can finally welcome the 2011 New Year.

This past December has been a bit of a roller coaster with some good times mixed with some challenges. That's to be expected of any month, but there's a good chance that these challenges seemed more, well, challenging this month than usual.

Keep in mind that this is the Universe's version of tough love. Your ability to look these challenges in the face and take them on, one-by-one, doesn't just make it easier for you to deal with problems later; it also makes the good times that much better.

It is time to toughen up and to learn discipline. It might help to think of your approach to problems as a muscle in your body. The more time you spend stretching and training and building your muscle, the more useful and functional it will be. How you deal with problems requires the same sort of training. The more challenges you successfully tackle, the easier they become. Your experience and resolve to face challenges head-on will help you develop an internal resilience, and the test that presents itself will make you stronger and hammer home the life skills the Universe has planned for you right now.

More specifically, you can expect delays, setbacks and possibly accidents. The accidents, if they happen, will result from frustrations that distract you, and this lack of focus could result in accidents.

The best way to deal with these energies is to hone all of your attention - at least to the extent possible - on one particular project. Show discipline and initiative with respect to this project, and you'll increase your odds of skating through this planetary alignment with as few unwanted side effects as possible.

On a more pleasant note, life is just being life and all that you face -- no matter how difficult or unsettling will be just a passing phase.

Fully appreciate and benefit from the lessons the Universe has thrown at you lately, it will help to fully understand just what your strengths and weaknesses are...

Have a happy and pleasant year in 2011!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Cure for Negative Feelings

What are negative feelings and how do they affect us?

Stress, anxiety, anger, fear, depression, and sadness have been defined as “negative emotions.”
These are often pinpointed as the culprits when our lives are less than happy, fulfilling, and successful. We’re often told that if we could just get past them, we’d experience the peace, joy, health, and abundance that is our natural state.

These “negative emotions” seem to stand in our way. They seem to prevent us from getting everything done, from enjoying the comforts and pleasures of life, and from arriving where we want to go. If we could just find the cure for our negative feelings. . .

My cure?...

Analyze the situation and decide that it is an advantage. Then do something about it! Always remember that Life is only 10% of what happens to us, the other 90% ? It's all about how we respond to what happens to us -- choose to respond instead of react!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Perfect Fit for Any Workout, Nike

The versatile Nike Free XT Quick Fit ($85 at workout shoe offers solid cushioning and comfort for both indoor and outdoor sports. Other things we love: Unlike other high-tech kicks, these sneakers are both lightweight and flattering, covered with a hefty amount of attractive outside mesh to increase foot breath-ability. Plus, they possess reflective safety strips on their back heel and toe tip areas to enhance visibility during night and evening activities.

Don't keep such a good find to yourself, share this.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Loyal Customers are King

Loyal customers are your company's most valuable asset.

While many organizations have struggled in these challenging economic times, companies that have tapped into the long-term loyalty of their customers have thrived. Logically, this makes sense.

Not only is it less expensive to retain a customer than to acquire a new one, loyal customers spend more, try other brand offerings, purchase more profitable products and services, and are more likely to refer customers to your business. The longer a customer is loyal, the more profit the company gains.

Simple but true...