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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dearer Air Ticket Prices for Europe

Air travelers to Europe may soon pay more -- ticket prices for flights to and from Europe are likely to go up January 2012 when Europe's move to "cut" airline emissions is enforced. The EU has set a cap on carbon dioxide emissions, with airlines having to pay for emissions that exceed those limits (and the ultimate payee will of course be the passengers of these flights...). Other regions/countries are expected to follow suit in retaliation.

Just goes to prove how affordable travel is nowadays so much so that the EU decides to limit the number of flights in the name of Going Green, but then again when flight prices are driven higher with people still traveling -- are they trying to say that it's ok and alright to CONTRIBUTE to these emissions when payment is made?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Malaysia Snap Elections 2011

13th general election in 2011? Prime Minister Najib does not have to call an election until 2013, but there’s speculation that he may call for one as early as this year. Najib has not confirmed these rumors, saying only that the election will take place “soon”.

When asked whether the meeting was a prelude to the 13th General Election, Najib said: “Everything is geared towards the General Election. We want to be re-elected. We want to serve the people. First of all, we have to serve the people and let the people decide.”

With prices of commodities on the rise there may be delay on election date.

Whatever that day and date will be -- all Malaysians should firstly feel privileged with their right to vote and know that while the past can never be revisited it is the present (and future) that can be changed. Don't vote with your feet by walking away...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Live Life Today

Stop blaming yourself for everything that went wrong; instead, start taking charge of your life and make some better decisions.

It's all about energy. Our life, our success, our happiness... everything is all about energy. We're all made of energy... tiny molecules vibrating at a certain frequency... this vibrating energy makes up our existence. Everything is made of energy... and it's that same energy that we constantly direct that attracts everything into our life. Now there are different kinds of energy... or different levels... and that's what makes everything so interesting.

Positive energy attracts positive situation.
Negative energy attracts negative situations.
Positive energy repels negative situations.
And negative energy repels positive situations.

If you're negative you'll attract more negative people, and more negative situations. You'll also push away positive people and positive situations.

If you're positive you'll attract positive people and positive situations. You'll also push away negative people and negative situations.

So if you're not getting what you want - then you're likely not sending out the right energy.

You see other people pick up on your energy vibrations on a subconscious level. They don't really know it - they just get a sense about you - a feeling or a vibe about you. They don't consciously say: "This is someone positive, lets get to know him or her."

It all happens on a subconscious level. But it starts in the conscious mind.

Your thoughts, and beliefs shape your energy level... they create that vibrating energy.

Your thoughts and beliefs are sent to your subconscious mind which radiates
your energy level (the very energy that others pick up on).

Positive thoughts and positive beliefs create positive energy.

Those with positive energy attract positive situations, good things happen to them, they meet terrific people and enjoy life. As they continue doing this they naturally become more optimistic. They take positive actions, and they continue to attract more and more positive situations, people and events into their lives.

If your filled with negative thoughts, self-doubt, worry, uncertainty, and if you
generally feel that things will never work out or get better then you're sending out
the energy that will only attract more of what you don't want... or more worry,
self-doubt, and uncertainty... all of which will only cause you to feel that
things will never work out.

It's a vicious cycle and if it isn't broken will only lead to more and more negative situations.

So how do you change your energy?

How do you create positive energy so that you enjoy positive situations? Think about what you want and then write down your immediate thoughts and beliefs. See if they're positive or negative. If there's any self doubt, or any negative thought - then you probably have a negative belief tied to the thought. Both need to be changed ASAP.

Then track your thoughts throughout the week. Are they generally negative or positive. Change as many negative thoughts as you can. You won't be able to change all of them, just change as many as you can.

You should also track what you say to people in every day conversations. You might be surprised at what you discover. If you find yourself saying negative things - change those words. This is part of the process.

To change your energy send a new message to your subconscious mind. Create positive thoughts and positive beliefs. Begin developing positive energy. Attract positive people and positive situations. Changing your energy can be done. It's a lot easier than you think. You have the power to shift your energy and attract the people, situations and circumstances that will catapult you to success.

The more positive and optimistic you are the sooner you'll create positive energy.

Believe in yourself.
Believe in your ability.
You can do anything you want.
Don't let negative thinking hold you back.
Don't let those negative thoughts destroy your success.

Change the negative beliefs and create more positive situations in life - stop blaming yourself for everything that went wrong; instead, start taking charge of your life and make some better decisions. Start Living Your Life Today!