How to cancel 33388 free services?
If you have ever been charged for mobile messages, especially from 33388?
Give up?
If you have ever been charged for mobile messages, especially from 33388?
Give up?
Next time, read the fine print before accepting any so-called "free" offers. A friend of mine painfully learned his lesson by having all the prepaid credit in his Hotlink and Digi numbers drained out. Funny thing is, calling the mobile operator to cancel/block the "services" from 33388 does not work as no action is taken...
Sample courtesy of 1Malaysia Voucher link:
This is a Djugo service. Djugo is not affiliated with, sponsored by or
endorsed by any of the listed products or retailers. Trademarks, service
marks, logos, (including, without limitation, the individual names of
products and retailers) are the property of their respective owners.
|You will be charged for all questions received by you (save for
marketing SMS) including the first question is chargeable at RM4.00. |
By answering a question, you will trigger the next question also
chargeable at RM4.00 per question received by you.| Answer as many
questions as possible to accumulate highest score at campaign closing
date to win the prize.| No additional chargeable question will be sent
if you do not answer the previous question. | There is no maximum amount
of questions to be answered |Additional data and SMS charges may apply |
Age: 18+ only - ask bill payer's permission | Helpdesk: 03 – 2175 4700 (9.30am – 5.30pm (Mon – Fri)
| By sending an SMS to 33388, you acknowledge that you have read and
understood the ‘General Terms & Conditions’ and agreed to be bound
by these 'General Terms & Conditions'. | Closing date of the
campaign: Friday, 1 June, 2012, 11:59 pm +8GMT. | Service Provider:
Ericsson (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
TO STOP, send a message in reply to 33388 with the text OUT. In return you should get a reply that says they acknowledge and will stop sending any messages.
Good Luck, you'll need it.
Footnote: Gimmicks WILL come in all shapes and sizes SO if it's FREE (most probably and often not) -- consider all before you accept anything.