YES and I'm not talking about Universal Serial Bus drives OR devices here!
Unacceptable–Social Behavior (USB) is a serious mental condition where a person experiences frequent unwelcome obsessional thoughts that are socially abnormal and acts upon them, often followed by self gratification for having achieved those acts. An extreme example would be terrorists; classic version some whom misinterpret religion and use violence to achieve their "holy" objectives.
BUT I'm pretty sure that most of us anyway are NOT.
USB may be considered an illness and it affects almost everyone, from young children to adults, regardless of skin, sex or social or cultural background. The question that you should ask yourself is whether you have severe USB or mild USB?
IF USB is really an illness, almost all of us are certainly unaware of it since there is very little highlight on it. Maybe being Malaysians we just don't care as long as it doesn't personally hurt us.
GENERALLY, USB sufferers experience obsessions which manifest into physical form. These hard to ignore acts are intrusive, unwanted, disturbing, significantly interfere with the society and the population at large. To people with USB they often know that their obsessional thoughts and acts are unacceptable, but they believe they have the personal right to act as they please even if it causes resentment and pain.
Typical USB includes:
- Spitting indiscriminately
- Public tantrums
- Running the Red Light (Red means Go?)
- Cutting Q whether driving or not
- Obstructing others from passing (again, whether driving or not)
- Showing the universal finger sign at others
- Throwing rubbish everywhere but the dustbin
- Dog Owners who allow their dogs to roam and defecate freely (my neighbor)
- Forcing others to follow (My Way or The Highway style)
- Hoarding (Mine mine mine and no one else's)
And that's only to name a few! If at any moment you did think or consider that these are the norm and nothing to worry about, then that's the very reason why USB is rampant and growing.
For people with USB there is often an over-inflated sense of ego that prevents them from estimating the amount of damage that their acts will cause to others. The USB person often feels ultimately responsible to have things their way.
To some degree USB people have probably experienced, at one time or another, by most of them, times when their acts are met with equal corrective action -- a speeding ticket, an earload of scolding, etc. Even then their ego prevents them from not doing the same selfish acts in future.
In a nutshell:
- USB people know that their thoughts and behavior are irrational and senseless,
- They feel proud and responsible to act out their selfish thoughts, and
- They do not doubt that their acts causes resentment.
Left unchecked and untreated, USB will mushroom and feed upon itself and can have the power to consume if left unchallenged.
Unfortunately, we have yet to even slowly begun to understand and identify USB symptoms much more effectively, maybe it's because of the culture of this country we live in.
The writer is still trying to understand USB better and, more importantly, hope that someone with the power to make a change, will recognize it as a threat to society and find ways how to treat it, and to offer belief and hope that recovery from Unacceptable–Social Behavior is possible.