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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dim Sum A Chinese Delicacy - A Reflection on the State of Wealth and Economics

Dim Sum is a Chinese delicacy that is commonly enjoyed in the mornings over a pot of nicely brewed Chinese Tea. The Chinese believe that the tea helps to dissolves the oil in food and aid in digestion.

The name Dim Sum is aptly translated into "A Spot of Heart" meaning that it is prepared with a tinge of heart. Heart-full preparation to create these mouth sized bites of wonder.

I'm a bit saddened by the kan-seongs (traders) in the Dim Sum industry for raising the price of Dim Sum to almost double of what it was back in 2007 (last year). Its not that its no longer affordable but the price hike is ridiculous. It was so much a joy whenever I got wind of the latest promotions here and there with Dim Sum going at 50% discount -- seems that this will no longer apply. I am certain that many other business people in the food and services industry raise their prices not solely due to increases of the raw materials or resources that they use to in delivering their product or service but more often because of their own personal greed and increases in their own cost of living as an individual. Look at it: The employees are not getting paid any more, are they? There is simply no sense of balance here.

Okay, enough on the short insight. I vow not to indulge in Dim Sum but shall still enjoy it once a bluemoon (never on a shiny day or a weekday) as it is no longer good value for money...

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