Thru our eyes we see the World
My eyes are my history. They contain the archives of all my memories. Eyes
wide open or shut tight, I can still see them, the faces and places I have
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Now Anyone at Your Café Can Hijack Your Facebook Account
A new Firefox extension lets anyone sharing an open wireless network at your neighborhood café or workplace easily access your Facebook, Twitter and myriad other online accounts. It's a terrifying tool designed to highlight a longstanding problem.
Seattle programmer Eric Butler's new Firesheep extension can show you a graphical list of the online accounts of everyone sharing an open wifi network with you. With one click on an icon, you're instantly logged in as them.
"HOLY CRAP" sums up the general Twitter reaction, as compiled by TechCrunch.
The vulnerability exploited by Firesheep has been there for years. Many major websites transmit the keys to your account — your login HTTP "cookies" — completely in the clear, with no encryption whatsoever. That's not a problem when you're on a well secured wireless network; for example if your local cafe uses WPA encyrption on the router, you'd almost certainly be fine. The vulnerable networks are those that are totally open, as well as, possibly, networks that use the weak WEP password system. You'll typically see these types of vulnerable networks in college dormitories, cafes and restaurants, or at other businesses that never bothered to modernize their wireless infrastructure.
Vulnerable sites include Amazon, Dropbox, Facebook, Flickr, Foursquare, Google,, Tumblr, Twitter, Wordpress, Yahoo and Yelp. These sites could fix the problem by routing cookies through the secure HTTPS protocol. Indeed, encouraging them to do so is why Butler created Firesheep:
Websites have a responsibility to protect the people who depend on their services. They've been ignoring this responsibility for too long, and it's time for everyone to demand a more secure web.
Judging from internet reaction to Firesheep, that's already happening.
Update: This vulnerability exists outside of the browser, so it's not Firefox specific, and switching to Chrome will not help, as some commenters have suggested. It also shouldn't affect cellular data networks, including 3G networks, so we've updated our wording above to make it clear we're talking about wifi.
Although the problem is fundamentally in the wifi networks and the destination websites, there is a Firefox extension that tries to route around the problem by redirecting cookies through encrypted HTTPS connections. Since many web servers don't offer HTTPS, your experience with that extension will be hit or miss. You can also ensure your GMail is locked down by checking the HTTPS toggle in your Gmail settings (it is secure by default). Your best bet, for now, is to avoid using open wifi networks.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Overcome Stress
As with any technique, you can’t just read about it to “get it” and have it work for you—you’ve got to practice it. Before you read on, please make a firm decision that you do practice...
Understand this: Stress is the result of our mental processes, not outside influences. The key, therefore, to eliminating stress in your life is to eliminate stress-producing thoughts.
The traditional view of stress was and accepted as the result of outside demands that overwhelm an individual’s ability to cope with those demands. Life circumstances come in ways that we are not equipped or resourced to deal with. In other words, we can’t handle what is “happening to YOU (us).”
You experience stress when life pushes you beyond your ability to adapt. That is why the most stressful circumstances are those that involve great change, such as losing a job, moving, death, and divorce. We experience stress because we lack the ability to quickly adapt to or handle these changes.
To those four “stressful” events we can add the generalized experience that “I just have too much to do and not enough time to do it” which seems to be more and more prevalent for many people. The explosion of the “information age” has bombarded us with “information overload” on top of increasing pressures to do more and more in less and less time. The solution, then, is to adapt better, manage things better, schedule better, prioritize better, reduce the demands upon you, and so on. This is where the term “stress management” comes from.
[Stress doesn’t come from what’s going on in your life—it comes from your thoughts about what’s going on in your life. Your job isn’t stressful—your thoughts about your job are stressful. Your relationship doesn’t stress you out—your thoughts about your relationship stress you out. All stress is an inside job, a result of subconscious assumptions. . . Things happen (divorce, layoffs, disease, etc.), and you experience stress—or you don’t—depending on what you think about those things. Stress is a function of beliefs, not circumstances]
This accounts for the fact that different people have dramatically different responses to the same life circumstances. For example, one person is laid off and sees it as a rejection of their worth and imagines impending poverty, while another sees it as a great opportunity to explore a new and more fulfilling direction. One person becomes ill and is consumed by a fear of everything falling apart, while another sees it as an important opportunity to slow down, take better care of their health, and re-evaluate what is most important in their life. One person sees their divorce as a huge drama full of pain and expense, while another may see it as a time to relate to their ex-spouse in a healthier way and learn how to have healthier relationships in the future. One person may view having too much to do as an overwhelming burden, while another may view having so much to do as the fruit of a vibrant and successful life. One person may view the death of a loved one as the end of love and happiness, while another may look back with fondness on the good times together and pray for their spouse’s joyful transition to the next phase of their journey. Your experience of any circumstance greatly depends on your beliefs.
“The key to eliminating stress¸and not just managing or escaping it, is to create a fundamental and lasting shift in the way you actually think.”
“Unhappiness arises internally, through the subconscious mind. And it is dissolved through insight.”
Insight? Insight is the realization that what you believed to be true is not in fact true. This realization allows the emergence of a more healthy or empowering perception. Insight cuts through “false beliefs” and eliminates their power over your perception.
“Every time that you experience stress, you’re thinking counterfactually. In fact, it’s not possible to experience stress without thinking counterfactually”.
By thinking counterfactually, we are thinking things “should” or “shouldn’t” be the way that they “are.”
There are also actually two types of counterfactual thinking. One creates inspiration, the other creates stress. One is expansive and the other is contractive. You have an expansive counterfactual thought when you experience “this” right now while envisioning “that” good thing in the future. For example, you think of the successful completion of a big project that you are working on, a vacation you’re planning, or someone special that you are looking forward to being with. You are envisioning some wonderful experience in the future, preparing for it, and being excited and expanded by that possibility.
The second type of counterfactual thinking is contractive. These are the counterfactual thoughts that create stress. For example, you step on the scale and see what you weigh and you tell yourself that you “should” weigh less. Your spouse or significant other doesn’t respond the way you think they “should” and you get mad. Your boss gives you a pile of work to do and you think that you “shouldn’t” be expected to get it done in the given time. You fail to achieve a goal that you think you “should” have achieved and become self-critical. You get upset because there “shouldn’t” be so much traffic. You get the idea.
Contractive counterfactual thoughts are judgments you place on “the way things are” by saying that they “should” be otherwise or they “shouldn’t” be the way they are. This type of thinking creates stress.
The way to counteract contractive thinking is to change your beliefs.
“The opposite of stress is education, releasing the contractions by having insights. What you need to do is not avoid your “shoulds,” but dismantle them”
Prove to yourself that the opposite of what you believed is true. You do this by identifying the conditions that are causing things to be as they are. When you see the cause and effect, you realize that “In reality, life really should be the way that it is, at this time.” There are good reasons why life is the way that it is. When you understand the causes, you gain insight, and that insight creates a permanent shift in perception that eliminates the stress caused by your former belief.
When you dismantle your “shoulds” you are more open to reality “as it is” or at least to healthier, more helpful beliefs about it. You can then take more effective action on the specific causes that can create positive outcomes in your life. This empowers you to think more clearly rather than being overwhelmed by the negative emotions and energy drain that came with your contractive beliefs.
First, I substitute the word “perception” for “thought.” Perception is a more holistic concept that includes your body, heart, mind, and energy/spirit. Perception includes your entire interpretive lens. It involves your physical state, your emotional state, your mindset, and your spiritual intention at any given moment. You bring all this to bear on every experience that you have. Your thoughts are an important part of this irreducible whole.
It important to work at all levels when addressing stress. It’s just as important to work from and through your body, your heart, your mind, and your energy/spirit. We can work with physical sensations, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and intentions. These form integrated neural, chemical, and energetic networks. Each aspect is an irreducible and interwoven part of the whole.
All beliefs are interpretive. All beliefs are contextual, they all come from a certain perspective and a specific point of view. Some may be healthier, more expansive, more empowering, and more effective toward your goals, but to say a belief is “true” is a slippery slope. This can easily lead to internal and external conflict and more stress over who has the “right” or the “true” view and who doesn’t.
Anyway, that’s my point of view, so I’ll use the words “healthier” or “more effective” rather than “true” or “real.” Bernstein himself calls some counterfactual thinking “expansive” and some “contractive” and I’ll keep to that way of framing things. Yet, even these are relative terms. Sometimes it’s healthy to contract and consolidate experiences, while, at other times, it’s important to expand and stretch your boundaries. The key is to become aware of where you are coming from at the moment, so you can make choices that are as informed and conscious as possible.
My suggestion for you this week is to pause and take a break whenever you feel stress rising. See if you can identify a belief that you are holding at that moment that is creating your stress
Take a break to identify your beliefs when you feel stress..all the best!
Understand this: Stress is the result of our mental processes, not outside influences. The key, therefore, to eliminating stress in your life is to eliminate stress-producing thoughts.
The traditional view of stress was and accepted as the result of outside demands that overwhelm an individual’s ability to cope with those demands. Life circumstances come in ways that we are not equipped or resourced to deal with. In other words, we can’t handle what is “happening to YOU (us).”
You experience stress when life pushes you beyond your ability to adapt. That is why the most stressful circumstances are those that involve great change, such as losing a job, moving, death, and divorce. We experience stress because we lack the ability to quickly adapt to or handle these changes.
To those four “stressful” events we can add the generalized experience that “I just have too much to do and not enough time to do it” which seems to be more and more prevalent for many people. The explosion of the “information age” has bombarded us with “information overload” on top of increasing pressures to do more and more in less and less time. The solution, then, is to adapt better, manage things better, schedule better, prioritize better, reduce the demands upon you, and so on. This is where the term “stress management” comes from.
[Stress doesn’t come from what’s going on in your life—it comes from your thoughts about what’s going on in your life. Your job isn’t stressful—your thoughts about your job are stressful. Your relationship doesn’t stress you out—your thoughts about your relationship stress you out. All stress is an inside job, a result of subconscious assumptions. . . Things happen (divorce, layoffs, disease, etc.), and you experience stress—or you don’t—depending on what you think about those things. Stress is a function of beliefs, not circumstances]
This accounts for the fact that different people have dramatically different responses to the same life circumstances. For example, one person is laid off and sees it as a rejection of their worth and imagines impending poverty, while another sees it as a great opportunity to explore a new and more fulfilling direction. One person becomes ill and is consumed by a fear of everything falling apart, while another sees it as an important opportunity to slow down, take better care of their health, and re-evaluate what is most important in their life. One person sees their divorce as a huge drama full of pain and expense, while another may see it as a time to relate to their ex-spouse in a healthier way and learn how to have healthier relationships in the future. One person may view having too much to do as an overwhelming burden, while another may view having so much to do as the fruit of a vibrant and successful life. One person may view the death of a loved one as the end of love and happiness, while another may look back with fondness on the good times together and pray for their spouse’s joyful transition to the next phase of their journey. Your experience of any circumstance greatly depends on your beliefs.
“The key to eliminating stress¸and not just managing or escaping it, is to create a fundamental and lasting shift in the way you actually think.”
“Unhappiness arises internally, through the subconscious mind. And it is dissolved through insight.”
Insight? Insight is the realization that what you believed to be true is not in fact true. This realization allows the emergence of a more healthy or empowering perception. Insight cuts through “false beliefs” and eliminates their power over your perception.
“Every time that you experience stress, you’re thinking counterfactually. In fact, it’s not possible to experience stress without thinking counterfactually”.
By thinking counterfactually, we are thinking things “should” or “shouldn’t” be the way that they “are.”
There are also actually two types of counterfactual thinking. One creates inspiration, the other creates stress. One is expansive and the other is contractive. You have an expansive counterfactual thought when you experience “this” right now while envisioning “that” good thing in the future. For example, you think of the successful completion of a big project that you are working on, a vacation you’re planning, or someone special that you are looking forward to being with. You are envisioning some wonderful experience in the future, preparing for it, and being excited and expanded by that possibility.
The second type of counterfactual thinking is contractive. These are the counterfactual thoughts that create stress. For example, you step on the scale and see what you weigh and you tell yourself that you “should” weigh less. Your spouse or significant other doesn’t respond the way you think they “should” and you get mad. Your boss gives you a pile of work to do and you think that you “shouldn’t” be expected to get it done in the given time. You fail to achieve a goal that you think you “should” have achieved and become self-critical. You get upset because there “shouldn’t” be so much traffic. You get the idea.
Contractive counterfactual thoughts are judgments you place on “the way things are” by saying that they “should” be otherwise or they “shouldn’t” be the way they are. This type of thinking creates stress.
The way to counteract contractive thinking is to change your beliefs.
“The opposite of stress is education, releasing the contractions by having insights. What you need to do is not avoid your “shoulds,” but dismantle them”
Prove to yourself that the opposite of what you believed is true. You do this by identifying the conditions that are causing things to be as they are. When you see the cause and effect, you realize that “In reality, life really should be the way that it is, at this time.” There are good reasons why life is the way that it is. When you understand the causes, you gain insight, and that insight creates a permanent shift in perception that eliminates the stress caused by your former belief.
When you dismantle your “shoulds” you are more open to reality “as it is” or at least to healthier, more helpful beliefs about it. You can then take more effective action on the specific causes that can create positive outcomes in your life. This empowers you to think more clearly rather than being overwhelmed by the negative emotions and energy drain that came with your contractive beliefs.
First, I substitute the word “perception” for “thought.” Perception is a more holistic concept that includes your body, heart, mind, and energy/spirit. Perception includes your entire interpretive lens. It involves your physical state, your emotional state, your mindset, and your spiritual intention at any given moment. You bring all this to bear on every experience that you have. Your thoughts are an important part of this irreducible whole.
It important to work at all levels when addressing stress. It’s just as important to work from and through your body, your heart, your mind, and your energy/spirit. We can work with physical sensations, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and intentions. These form integrated neural, chemical, and energetic networks. Each aspect is an irreducible and interwoven part of the whole.
All beliefs are interpretive. All beliefs are contextual, they all come from a certain perspective and a specific point of view. Some may be healthier, more expansive, more empowering, and more effective toward your goals, but to say a belief is “true” is a slippery slope. This can easily lead to internal and external conflict and more stress over who has the “right” or the “true” view and who doesn’t.
Anyway, that’s my point of view, so I’ll use the words “healthier” or “more effective” rather than “true” or “real.” Bernstein himself calls some counterfactual thinking “expansive” and some “contractive” and I’ll keep to that way of framing things. Yet, even these are relative terms. Sometimes it’s healthy to contract and consolidate experiences, while, at other times, it’s important to expand and stretch your boundaries. The key is to become aware of where you are coming from at the moment, so you can make choices that are as informed and conscious as possible.
My suggestion for you this week is to pause and take a break whenever you feel stress rising. See if you can identify a belief that you are holding at that moment that is creating your stress
Take a break to identify your beliefs when you feel stress..all the best!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Selling Travel the Right Way - Call yourself a Travel Company
Everyone deserves to travel!
Travel awakens the soul and he who has yet to travel has only lived a page of life...LOH Ivan (2010)
While everyone deserves to travel, not everyone will. Modern day life although made convenient with the advances in technology and transportation has still a long way to go. Of course, we are not talking about Buck Rogers, Star Wars or even Battlestar Galacticca - although such a day may come.
People will travel provided that they have the means to travel. So what means are we talking about? There's knowledge, budget and desire which basically translate into knowledge of the destination that forms the initial thought of travel, budget that defines the level of comfort and whether it is affordable to travel, and last but not least the birth of desire which makes it a goal to travel.
Any respectable travel agent today would best avoid the word agent or agency, if they know what is good for them (no offense intended...).
It is better to be termed as a travel company with proud ownership of the products and services that are provided to public. Agents are purely representatives...
Travel awakens the soul and he who has yet to travel has only lived a page of life...LOH Ivan (2010)
While everyone deserves to travel, not everyone will. Modern day life although made convenient with the advances in technology and transportation has still a long way to go. Of course, we are not talking about Buck Rogers, Star Wars or even Battlestar Galacticca - although such a day may come.
People will travel provided that they have the means to travel. So what means are we talking about? There's knowledge, budget and desire which basically translate into knowledge of the destination that forms the initial thought of travel, budget that defines the level of comfort and whether it is affordable to travel, and last but not least the birth of desire which makes it a goal to travel.
Any respectable travel agent today would best avoid the word agent or agency, if they know what is good for them (no offense intended...).
It is better to be termed as a travel company with proud ownership of the products and services that are provided to public. Agents are purely representatives...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Life is like a Lift
Life is like a lift, it goes up and it goes down. What's important to remember is that we don't fart and leave it unbearable for the next person...or those who share it with us...
LOH Ivan (2010)
A wise "person" adds to say, "What about the fart others leave behind, if it helps you gain 'space' from others - by all means go ahead and fart!"
LOH Ivan (2010)
A wise "person" adds to say, "What about the fart others leave behind, if it helps you gain 'space' from others - by all means go ahead and fart!"
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Communicating for Change
Change is good. Communication drives change.
One of the most critical aspects to drive performance in an organization is communications. The only way to move an idea from your mind into other people's minds is through communications. Yet very few of us understand or have been trained on how to communicate effectively. In this newsletter I will share with you the 3C's of communicating for change. You can become a powerful change agent, simply by mastering the 3C's.
The essence of communications for change is that the message must be Clear - so it is easily understood, Compelling - so it grabs peoples attention and finally Consequential - it means something to the person such that the person will act on it. And there you have it, the 3 C's in communicating for - Clear, Compelling and Consequential.
Clear simply means that the receiver understands the message exactly as you meant it to be. The clearest of messages are short, direct to the point, use simple words and presented in the most appropriate language. Clarity get the message from your mouth to the listeners ear.
To get into peoples minds your message must be compelling. Your message must give the receiver a reason to think and reflect on it; if not the message is lost. Compelling is what get the message from the ear into the brain.
For people to act on your message, the message must be consequential to them. "What's in it for me?" The consequence must be real and meaningful. Consequential is what gets the message from the brain into the heart. And once the message is in the heart - action will happen.
When you are communicating, you are competing against other messages and other communications channels to gain the attention of the listener. By communicating the same message many times over multiple channels - spoken, written, group, one on one, bulletin board, email, twitter etc. dramatically improve the chances of the message getting through.
Examples of Messages:
We often see vision / mission statements that say "We want to be the leading organization in this industry" or "We want to be the preferred supplier of choice.." How do you think these statement measure up to the 3C test? Not very good, in fact they are fairly meaningless.
Let me now give you a good example; "We want to be the most profitable company in this industry in order for us to pay our employees the best salaries to ensure the highest quality of life for their families." Now, I would be very attracted to a company like this, wouldn't you?
Clear states what you want (the most profitable) , Compelling is about importance and why you want it (so I can play my employees good salaries) and Consequential explains the motivation for wanting it (to ensure the highest quality of life for their families).
To master the 3C's, you need to just keep practicing and very soon you will be motivating your staff to move the world! What do you think?
Change is good. Communication drives change.
One of the most critical aspects to drive performance in an organization is communications. The only way to move an idea from your mind into other people's minds is through communications. Yet very few of us understand or have been trained on how to communicate effectively. In this newsletter I will share with you the 3C's of communicating for change. You can become a powerful change agent, simply by mastering the 3C's.
The essence of communications for change is that the message must be Clear - so it is easily understood, Compelling - so it grabs peoples attention and finally Consequential - it means something to the person such that the person will act on it. And there you have it, the 3 C's in communicating for - Clear, Compelling and Consequential.
Clear simply means that the receiver understands the message exactly as you meant it to be. The clearest of messages are short, direct to the point, use simple words and presented in the most appropriate language. Clarity get the message from your mouth to the listeners ear.
To get into peoples minds your message must be compelling. Your message must give the receiver a reason to think and reflect on it; if not the message is lost. Compelling is what get the message from the ear into the brain.
For people to act on your message, the message must be consequential to them. "What's in it for me?" The consequence must be real and meaningful. Consequential is what gets the message from the brain into the heart. And once the message is in the heart - action will happen.
When you are communicating, you are competing against other messages and other communications channels to gain the attention of the listener. By communicating the same message many times over multiple channels - spoken, written, group, one on one, bulletin board, email, twitter etc. dramatically improve the chances of the message getting through.
Examples of Messages:
We often see vision / mission statements that say "We want to be the leading organization in this industry" or "We want to be the preferred supplier of choice.." How do you think these statement measure up to the 3C test? Not very good, in fact they are fairly meaningless.
Let me now give you a good example; "We want to be the most profitable company in this industry in order for us to pay our employees the best salaries to ensure the highest quality of life for their families." Now, I would be very attracted to a company like this, wouldn't you?
Clear states what you want (the most profitable) , Compelling is about importance and why you want it (so I can play my employees good salaries) and Consequential explains the motivation for wanting it (to ensure the highest quality of life for their families).
To master the 3C's, you need to just keep practicing and very soon you will be motivating your staff to move the world! What do you think?
6 Characteristics of Leadership
6 key characteristics as follows:
1. The openness of the mind to learn and unlearn, construct and deconstruct. I think the very first attribute of a leader is in the pursuit of knowledge which creates the foundation for courage and wisdom.
2. An incredible level of self awareness combined with a strong ability to understand others from which emerges humility and temperance.
3. The ability to connect the dots on the one hand and seeking closure on the other. It is a powerful combination when you can make sense of seemingly unrelated information or events and at the same time having the drive to act on it , to complete, to getting closure.
4. Without a doubt is strong business acumen. I used to tell my managers, the income statement and balance sheet to a manager must be like sheet music to a musician.You must be able to not only understand it, but interpret it in a way that produces beautiful music, or in the case of business – outstanding results. Most people can’t see beyond the numbers in the financials. Leaders have the ability to teach the followers how to make music out of an income statement. Out of this acumen comes communications that is short, simple and precise.
5.They excel at building great teams and coalitions. They know the secret of getting people to work together. They know how to build bridges and alliances. They know its not about them. Like the orchestra, the conductor doesn’t make a single sound but has the ability to get the musicians to collectively make beautiful music.
6. Leaders have massive capacity for self regulation. The ego is kept well in check. They do not allow personal desires and habits to derail them. And that can only happen if there is a willingness to accept feedback and work on it. Its the recognition of self imperfection in the quest for perfection. Leadership is incompatible with behaviors of hypocrisy, slander, envy and avarice. Leadership is an act of elegance, in behavior, in manner, and in tone. Leadership is about justice.
1. The openness of the mind to learn and unlearn, construct and deconstruct. I think the very first attribute of a leader is in the pursuit of knowledge which creates the foundation for courage and wisdom.
2. An incredible level of self awareness combined with a strong ability to understand others from which emerges humility and temperance.
3. The ability to connect the dots on the one hand and seeking closure on the other. It is a powerful combination when you can make sense of seemingly unrelated information or events and at the same time having the drive to act on it , to complete, to getting closure.
4. Without a doubt is strong business acumen. I used to tell my managers, the income statement and balance sheet to a manager must be like sheet music to a musician.You must be able to not only understand it, but interpret it in a way that produces beautiful music, or in the case of business – outstanding results. Most people can’t see beyond the numbers in the financials. Leaders have the ability to teach the followers how to make music out of an income statement. Out of this acumen comes communications that is short, simple and precise.
5.They excel at building great teams and coalitions. They know the secret of getting people to work together. They know how to build bridges and alliances. They know its not about them. Like the orchestra, the conductor doesn’t make a single sound but has the ability to get the musicians to collectively make beautiful music.
6. Leaders have massive capacity for self regulation. The ego is kept well in check. They do not allow personal desires and habits to derail them. And that can only happen if there is a willingness to accept feedback and work on it. Its the recognition of self imperfection in the quest for perfection. Leadership is incompatible with behaviors of hypocrisy, slander, envy and avarice. Leadership is an act of elegance, in behavior, in manner, and in tone. Leadership is about justice.
Monday, October 11, 2010
About Malaysia's Business Transformation Plan
The global financial crisis had hit hard on almost every country in the world in year 2009. Europe, as per the day of today, is still struggling. Several countries in especially southern Europe have tremendous financial debts and liabilities, the euro - as a consequence - has weakened with about 20% in less than 3 months, since March/April 2010. Initially, so it seemed, the emerging economies were a long way from the center of the storm - and that proved to be relatively true. Various emerging economies though are in different states of dealing with the fall out of the global financial crises. Malaysia was not spared from the global economic crises, which affected its overall performance. Malaysia's economy contracted by 1.7 in 2009. Though it is fair to say, that overall, Malaysia has quite well coped with the global financial crises of 2009.
At present, Malaysia is at the crossroads of change and transformation. The Government Transformation Program outlines the road map of how to turn Malaysia into a high income economy and a fully developed nation by 2020.
At present, Malaysia is at the crossroads of change and transformation. The Government Transformation Program outlines the road map of how to turn Malaysia into a high income economy and a fully developed nation by 2020.
Realistic Materialistic Reality
How much money you make during the next 2-5 years
Will probably be the average of all the people you are associating with
What's that number?
Who are you associating with?
How successful are they?
Will probably be the average of all the people you are associating with
What's that number?
Who are you associating with?
How successful are they?
Sunday, October 10, 2010
What you do Watch It!
"Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they
become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch
your habits, they become character. Watch your character; it
becomes your destiny..."
become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch
your habits, they become character. Watch your character; it
becomes your destiny..."
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Full Service Arlines = Fine Service Attitude
Travel is already the norm in our daily life. Stop. Undisputed.
When something becomes the norm, competition increases and everyone who's in will start trying to be better and bigger in their attempts to capture the hearts of customers and to fulfill the customer's needs.
Full service airlines, FSA are not new to us. Full Service Airlines are more beneficial than low cost careers.
Full Service Airlines are those airlines which not only provide traveling facility but they make the journey memorable one with their services. There is lot many services provided by them to the passengers so that they don’t feel bored in their journey. Airlines placing top priority to give maximum benefits to the travelers who fly with them.
The most interesting thing is that full service airlines keep a tab on minutest thing. The aircraft interiors are designed in such a way to give you relaxed feeling. The seats are lay-flat which recline to 180 degree for giving passengers a good sleep. They provide cozy blankets and pillows to add more comfort in getting sound sleep. Not only this, there are options of dimmed lighting as well.
The next important service is in-flight entertainment. There are so many facilities available like LCD, music, magazines, books, etc. They also provide mobile chargers, I-pod chargers etc. Apart from entertainment the other important service is FOOD. The passengers look forward for a healthy and tasty meal while traveling. Full service airline provides healthy menu inclusive of drinks. Some of the airlines have started serving local & international cuisines.
The full service airlines provide comfort and luxury to the passengers at a very reasonable price. The passenger has to become little smart to avail maximum benefits in less amount. The passengers can plan their journey in advance and book their tickets accordingly. If proper researches done the tickets can be reserved in lesser amount. Check all the travel sites and negotiate to get a better deal, not just!
Cheap flights are also there to cater the needs of passengers. They provide full services whatever required while traveling. They give attention to every basic need of travelers. The staff is courteous, well mannered and dedicated towards their responsibility. The passengers can enjoy all these benefits at a nominal price.
SO which is correct, does FSA equate both ways? Let me know what you think...
P/S: Sorry Tony!
When something becomes the norm, competition increases and everyone who's in will start trying to be better and bigger in their attempts to capture the hearts of customers and to fulfill the customer's needs.
Full service airlines, FSA are not new to us. Full Service Airlines are more beneficial than low cost careers.
Full Service Airlines are those airlines which not only provide traveling facility but they make the journey memorable one with their services. There is lot many services provided by them to the passengers so that they don’t feel bored in their journey. Airlines placing top priority to give maximum benefits to the travelers who fly with them.
The most interesting thing is that full service airlines keep a tab on minutest thing. The aircraft interiors are designed in such a way to give you relaxed feeling. The seats are lay-flat which recline to 180 degree for giving passengers a good sleep. They provide cozy blankets and pillows to add more comfort in getting sound sleep. Not only this, there are options of dimmed lighting as well.
The next important service is in-flight entertainment. There are so many facilities available like LCD, music, magazines, books, etc. They also provide mobile chargers, I-pod chargers etc. Apart from entertainment the other important service is FOOD. The passengers look forward for a healthy and tasty meal while traveling. Full service airline provides healthy menu inclusive of drinks. Some of the airlines have started serving local & international cuisines.
The full service airlines provide comfort and luxury to the passengers at a very reasonable price. The passenger has to become little smart to avail maximum benefits in less amount. The passengers can plan their journey in advance and book their tickets accordingly. If proper researches done the tickets can be reserved in lesser amount. Check all the travel sites and negotiate to get a better deal, not just!
Cheap flights are also there to cater the needs of passengers. They provide full services whatever required while traveling. They give attention to every basic need of travelers. The staff is courteous, well mannered and dedicated towards their responsibility. The passengers can enjoy all these benefits at a nominal price.
SO which is correct, does FSA equate both ways? Let me know what you think...
P/S: Sorry Tony!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Help Yourself by FIRST Helping Others
You might not agree but to help yourself you must first help others. By putting yourself out there is guaranteed the returns that if you had not, you would not.
Often, we’re reluctant to reach out, even though others are really keen to help. Overcome this by asking others whether they need help whenever it is apparent.
All you have to do is take a deep breath, be sincere in your approach and then knuckle down and get on with the work. And preferably, follow up to let the them know how you went!
We all love to share knowledge, especially ours. It feels good. We are social creatures by nature and if there’s something we need, solitude is definitely not it.
Do you agree?
Often, we’re reluctant to reach out, even though others are really keen to help. Overcome this by asking others whether they need help whenever it is apparent.
All you have to do is take a deep breath, be sincere in your approach and then knuckle down and get on with the work. And preferably, follow up to let the them know how you went!
We all love to share knowledge, especially ours. It feels good. We are social creatures by nature and if there’s something we need, solitude is definitely not it.
Do you agree?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Shell Contest Scam
MALAYSIA (Wednesday)
Received from +60178346914 today @ 7.32am
[SHELL BHD. Promotion...Tahniah! anda t'lah m"nangi contest shell, Rm11.000.- (No siri;887889) MAKLUMAT HUB: 012 8186614 Terima kasih]
It's a scam, obviously.
Number 1 - the quality of the written word
Number 2 - The amount supposedly "won" does not tally of the actual prizes
Number 3 - look at the "serial number"
Lesson of the day: Don't be fooled, easily...
Received from +60178346914 today @ 7.32am
[SHELL BHD. Promotion...Tahniah! anda t'lah m"nangi contest shell, Rm11.000.- (No siri;887889) MAKLUMAT HUB: 012 8186614 Terima kasih]
It's a scam, obviously.
Number 1 - the quality of the written word
Number 2 - The amount supposedly "won" does not tally of the actual prizes
Number 3 - look at the "serial number"
Lesson of the day: Don't be fooled, easily...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
What is the meaning of TIHO? TIHO stands for Technology, Information, Humans and Organization.
Technology - drives the productivity of Knowledge
Information - the basis for knowledge and decision making
Humans - perform the work
Organizations - provides the structure and networks for the Humans
Technology - drives the productivity of Knowledge
Information - the basis for knowledge and decision making
Humans - perform the work
Organizations - provides the structure and networks for the Humans
You have the Right
The right to speak and to be heard
The right to make errors
The right to change your mind
The right to be responsible only for yourself and your actions
The right to say no
The right to make errors
The right to change your mind
The right to be responsible only for yourself and your actions
The right to say no
About Twitter
Initially inspired by the concept of an 'away-message' merged with the freedom and mobility of SMS, Twitter began as an experiment in 2006. When value as an instant communication network during shared events like earthquakes, conferences, and festivals emerged, Twitter began to grow—Twitter, Inc. was founded in 2007. Today, Twitter is a privately funded company based in San Francisco, CA.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Anti Rape Condom
Courtesy of
Call it provocative, call it medieval, whatever you call it aside from self-defense classes, self-imposed curfews and bodyguards it has to be one of the most progressive devices created to help prevent the rape of women. Invented by South African doctor Dr. Sonnet Ehlers after treating a rape victim who said, “If only I had teeth down there,” the female condom dubbed “Rapex” is being readied for distribution after 20 years of research.
“According to Dr. Ehlers “As soon as the man puts his penis in the woman’s vagina the condom catches it. The “teeth” of the condom then penetrates his skin and causes severe pain. The man will have to go to a hospital to have the condom removed,” she said. It will also collect the rapist’s DNA.”
30,000 of these condoms are being distributed in South African in various cities where the World Cup games are being played. South Africa has one of highest incidences of rape in the world.
While some think it increases a woman’s feeling of vulnerability, one could argue that women walk in the world and shape their lives around knowing their vulnerabilities. Others argue that the device is medieval, “Yes, my device may be a medieval,” Dr. Ehlers says, “but it’s for a medieval deed that has been around for decades,” she said. “I believe something’s got to be done … and this will make some men rethink before they assault a woman.”
While I don’t believe one thing will prevent rape, I do believe in having an arsenal from which to choose. What do you think?
Call it provocative, call it medieval, whatever you call it aside from self-defense classes, self-imposed curfews and bodyguards it has to be one of the most progressive devices created to help prevent the rape of women. Invented by South African doctor Dr. Sonnet Ehlers after treating a rape victim who said, “If only I had teeth down there,” the female condom dubbed “Rapex” is being readied for distribution after 20 years of research.
“According to Dr. Ehlers “As soon as the man puts his penis in the woman’s vagina the condom catches it. The “teeth” of the condom then penetrates his skin and causes severe pain. The man will have to go to a hospital to have the condom removed,” she said. It will also collect the rapist’s DNA.”
30,000 of these condoms are being distributed in South African in various cities where the World Cup games are being played. South Africa has one of highest incidences of rape in the world.
While some think it increases a woman’s feeling of vulnerability, one could argue that women walk in the world and shape their lives around knowing their vulnerabilities. Others argue that the device is medieval, “Yes, my device may be a medieval,” Dr. Ehlers says, “but it’s for a medieval deed that has been around for decades,” she said. “I believe something’s got to be done … and this will make some men rethink before they assault a woman.”
While I don’t believe one thing will prevent rape, I do believe in having an arsenal from which to choose. What do you think?
Friday, October 1, 2010
So that's what happened to Lil' Kev
Lil’ Kev wins Astro suit
KUALA LUMPUR: Popular deejay Kevin Arokiasamy, better-known as “Lil’ Kev” who formerly co-hosted the Morning Show, won his breach of contract lawsuit against Astro’s Airtime Management & Programming Sdn Bhd.
High Court Judicial Commissioner Justice Rosilah Yop awarded a declaration to Lil’ Kev that a letter by Airtime Management dated Aug 28, 2003, meant that the defendant had violated the terms of an agrement.
Justice Rosilah issued a declaration that the violation of the terms meant that he could terminate the agreement and claim for damages.
She declared that the letter and its order was a modification to the terms of the agreement which required his consent.
The judge has ordered that damages be assessed after hearing evidence from Lil’ Kev and three witnesses of the defendant.
In his suit filed on Dec 15, 2004, Lil’ Kev claimed that he had entered into an agreement with the defendant on Aug 29, 2002 where he consented to serve its radio station for two years.
His salary for the duration of the contract was RM24,000 per month for the first year and RM26,000 each month the second year.
He said the dispute occurred when he was directed to transfer to the afternoon shift which he felt violated the terms of the agreement.
Lil’ Kev has been co-hosting the Morning Show since 1997.
In a statement of defence filed on Feb 21, 2005, the defendant stated that although it reserved the right to modify, add to or eliminate all or any part of benefits at any time, it had offered relevant incentives to Lil’ Kev.
Speaking to reporters later, his lawyer Isa Aziz Ibrahim said the defendant had no right to transfer his client to the afternoon shift as it violated the terms of the agreement.
When contacted by The Star, Lil’ Kev, 39, said he was relieved by the judgment.
“Normally, corporate companies are not favourable to us. It should protect the talent,” he said.
He said the judgment would be “a sort of protection for deejays so that they will not be easily pushed around”.
KUALA LUMPUR: Popular deejay Kevin Arokiasamy, better-known as “Lil’ Kev” who formerly co-hosted the Morning Show, won his breach of contract lawsuit against Astro’s Airtime Management & Programming Sdn Bhd.
High Court Judicial Commissioner Justice Rosilah Yop awarded a declaration to Lil’ Kev that a letter by Airtime Management dated Aug 28, 2003, meant that the defendant had violated the terms of an agrement.
Justice Rosilah issued a declaration that the violation of the terms meant that he could terminate the agreement and claim for damages.
She declared that the letter and its order was a modification to the terms of the agreement which required his consent.
The judge has ordered that damages be assessed after hearing evidence from Lil’ Kev and three witnesses of the defendant.
In his suit filed on Dec 15, 2004, Lil’ Kev claimed that he had entered into an agreement with the defendant on Aug 29, 2002 where he consented to serve its radio station for two years.
His salary for the duration of the contract was RM24,000 per month for the first year and RM26,000 each month the second year.
He said the dispute occurred when he was directed to transfer to the afternoon shift which he felt violated the terms of the agreement.
Lil’ Kev has been co-hosting the Morning Show since 1997.
In a statement of defence filed on Feb 21, 2005, the defendant stated that although it reserved the right to modify, add to or eliminate all or any part of benefits at any time, it had offered relevant incentives to Lil’ Kev.
Speaking to reporters later, his lawyer Isa Aziz Ibrahim said the defendant had no right to transfer his client to the afternoon shift as it violated the terms of the agreement.
When contacted by The Star, Lil’ Kev, 39, said he was relieved by the judgment.
“Normally, corporate companies are not favourable to us. It should protect the talent,” he said.
He said the judgment would be “a sort of protection for deejays so that they will not be easily pushed around”.
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