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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

1 Malaysian's View after GE13

May 5th? Thank the stars it is finally over. Lucky for me the indelible ink wiped off easy too -- according to the SPR chap's media statement the proper process of shaking the ink bottle before application was not done. Whatever.

The political climate in Malaysia certainly makes me uncomfortable -- to either be listening, seeing or reading about gutter (the public thrashing and humiliation of others) politics. Make it a crime punishable to law and I say if there's any expo'se to be done, let the police and media do it after due investigative work!

Moving forward, I'm looking forward to:

A collective Government who will continue to stamp out factors detrimental to a modern civilized prosperous country such as extremism, racism, favoritism and corruption.

Educational programs reaching all levels of society to inform of the backwardness of judging others based on their language, behavior, customs and/or religion. 

A Government that is thrifty and looks after the welfare of all Malaysians irrespective of age, gender or political affiliations. Thrifty also means spending it's money within Malaysia instead of overseas for charity or on humanitarian grounds -- unless of course there is a surplus and it's own people already have enough welfare.

More police presence to deter crime. Though a one-liner but boy oh boy is it critical!

Weeding out all illegals and stopping the influx of immigrants or otherwise risk being overrun, an increasing crime rate plus health and employment concerns.

Country leaders and representatives who are respectful of their status in society and shy away from scandals and misdoings.

SO, please do the needful!

P/S Share This.

PPS I also hope ("hope" coz it's been so long and yet...) the Government doesn't forget the badly in need of tarring roads, traffic and flood systems too while at IT!

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