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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Think Your Marriage is Happy, make it happier with these tips!

Many people have happy marriages. Overstatement or Understatement?

FACT: Happy Marriages are the exact OPPOSITE of a Hurtful Marriage.

If a hurtful marriage is one that causes you discomfort, pain, tears,
stress and depression; then a happy marriage is one that gives you
ease, pleasure, laughter, relaxation and joy!

Did you know there's a lack of silly arguments in a happy marriage?
All it takes is just one stupid argument (and it takes two hands to
clap - so please don't collaborate, just listen) to undo a happy

Instead of finding excuses to show off your "superiority" (fyi:
marriage is an equal partnership), be reasonable and look for reasons
to make your spouse happy.

Work together to make your marriage a happier one:

1. Take some space

It is more difficult to accept feedback from your spouse when you are
in a negative emotional state than when you are calm and happy.

Being angry makes it hard to see the issues clearly, and not only will
you most likely fail to accept your spouse's opinion, you probably
won't be able to discuss it calmly too.

So take some space. Put off your "argument" and focus on something
else – but do it politely.

2. Focus on the big-picture goal
There is a reason why you married your spouse. If love was not the
reason, what is?

3. Remember they’re on your side

Your spouse is generally the one you sleep and wake with, right? No
one's going to get closer than that!

Sometimes, getting constructive feedback hurts. The key thing to
remember is that, the person giving that kind of feedback is on your
side and wants you to succeed.

4. Be solution-oriented

Rather than getting stuck in the argument, think about the solution.

5. Take it with a grain of salt

With the exception of your job, in most personal situations you are in charge. You don’t have to agree with all of the changes or suggestions your spouse makes. BUT you need to give your feedback so your spouse makes an educated decision about it.

C'mon it ain't so hard as long as you are human and capable of love. :) :)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

VALUE is the Number 1 Marketing Hack

To many people, marketing is all about making their product and/or services sell. Some may even think that it's just a way to reach out to new and current* customers.

* FACT : The majority of customers are not often loyal to the one brand, product or service.

For "marketing" to be effective, it's not all about doing more. It's about what you do. 

Take as much time as you need to review your VALUE, and it goes like this:

1. Vision

Is your brand, product and service exactly how you envisioned it to be? You have to get your offerings in shape before you even contemplate to share it with the world.

2. Appraise

Rate your most recent marketing strategies, plans and actions. Were they in line with your vision and how well did they work? You need to focus on the necessary amendments to your game plan when marketing is failing to bring in the business you need**.

* Need as in the business volume required for you to be profitable. Want comes in later and in the form of the business you think you deserve because you have a great brand, product and service!

3. Love

You don't just love the business your customers give you. You have to love your customers for keeping you in business! Find ways to show your customers that you love them.

4. Understanding

You need to know just exactly how your customers feel about YOU. Only then will you know how your brand, product and service can help them. Marketing gives you the platform to gain valuable feedback and broadcast your understanding of what they -- the customers want.

5. Emotion

Ultimately, how strongly you feel about your brand, product and service will determine your marketing strategies. Getting clear about your passion enables your vision to become clearer. 
And just how exactly does one do this? It's all about your VALUE.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Tips For Soon To Wed And Those Married

For Your Marriage to Succeed, It Needs to Be Balanced AND Happy

This is about the importance of starting a marriage with a person who will effectively share in the responsibilities and decision-making of a life together -- this person is your spouse.

With that said, there are certainly a handful of important points that lie within both the marriage (partnership) that you must address and, most important, address them before they happen so that you don’t find yourself in a situation where your happiness is at risk.

The best marriages come when you’ve found another person that doesn’t share the same capabilities and/or thought processes. To be specific, someone that’s not like you. Like the saying goes Opposites Attract!

So in order to get the benefits of a successful marriage, you need to have some opposing ideas and differing but complimentary skill sets and although you both need to know and understand what is going on throughout the marriage (no deliberate hiding of information allowed), it’s really important to remember as well that you DO NOT share every decision.

Part of an effective marriage is knowing that you can trust your "better half" to do what’s best and make the right decisions in their day-to-day responsibilities.

Of course you need to work together on the larger decisions that affect the direction of your marriage, but if you’re both overseeing the same things, it’s going to quickly feel like one person is looking over the other’s shoulder. Also, this is completely inefficient and needless to say irritating!

How do you communicate?

You must remember you’re not going to be able to talk about every single decision -- as covered in the previous point -- but you do need to understand what’s going on throughout the marriage and that, comes with communication.

Make sure that you set up a regular specific time to talk -- and use the opportunity to discuss the greater decisions that were or need to be made so you can both add in from your differing view points or areas of expertise to come to the best decisions for your marriage.

You ABSOLUTELY must set expectations!

This point is really one that needs to be established well before you marry -- although sometimes it’s just not that simple (love can be overwhelming).

You and your spouse need to have an understanding, as to who is responsible for what and what the expectations are for your time and responsibilities, as well as any financial commitments.

It’s really easy to just believe that you’re married and you’ll work anything out and it may be uncomfortable to sit and discuss expectations, but when things get really difficult, everyone’s true colors show and you need to be able to recall what those expectations are.


1. Share responsibilities and decision-making;
2. Address issues before they blow out of hand;
3. Be grateful and acknowledge your spouse is your OPPOSITE;
4. While you share EVERY information, you DON'T share every decision.
5. Trust your "better half" to do what’s best and make the right decisions in their day-to-day responsibilities.
6. Set up a regular specific time to talk.
7. Set expectations early and don't forget them -- time, responsibilities and financial commitments.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Silly Argument, The 3Cs of A Great Marriage

Wife: Why didn't you call?
Husband: I was busy.
Wife: What? Didn't you say you needed me every second of your life?
Husband: Yes I did but that was before we got married and not in my
working life!

~ Moral ~

Women LOVE seeking the attention of their other half. Men on the other
hand treats life as a checklist and compartmentalize it into several
or more parts, doing and focusing on one part at a time.   If men and
women saw things the same way EITHER they wouldn't be married in the
first place OR find the slightest opportunity to argue with one

Written after great thought by a man who is still working on the 3Cs
of a Great Marriage. By the way the 3Cs do not stand Cash, Condo and
Car BUT Compromise, Compliment, and Complement!

The 3Cs are in no particular order and applies to BOTH Men and Women.

P/S: Men will always be JUST MEN while Women have an incorporated
meaning, "W"ives "O"f MEN. In short, there is more to women than just

PP/S: Compromise (give & take, win-win situation), Compliment
(praise), and Complement (provide the parts to make whole)...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

DIGI 365

It's come to that time of year when most of us who owns a mobile phone just to be reachable and hence using DIGI's PrePaid find that we once again are required to pay a fee to keep our "account" active.

First of all please ensure that you have at least RM38 credit available. This is because DIGI has made it so that we have to "change plan" before we can arrive at the "Super Long Life 365" option. As of today, to "change plan" we need to accept a charge of RM3.

To check your current plan:
"DiGi Best Prepaid Hit RM1" (old)
"New DiGi Best Prepaid" (new)
(There may be some older prepaid package, but I have no idea what will be the package name)

Check if super long life 365 is available for you: *128*1*7#, reply 3 (Super Long Life):
1 RM5 (30 days)
2 RM30 (365 days)

The super long life 365 is only available upon upgrade ("change plan") and provided you still have RM35 credit.

How to subscribe after "switching" to New DiGi Best Prepaid?

To activate DiGi Super Long Life via *128#:
Step 1: You must have at least RM35 in your account. (*126# check balance)
Step 2: Dial *128# and then press call.
Step 3: Reply 1 for My Account.
Step 4: Reply 7 for Talktime Services.
(You can use the shortcut code to dial, but since the menu may change, You might choose the wrong option)
Step 5: Reply 3 for Super Long Life.
Step 6: Reply 2 for Super Long Life RM30 (365 days).
* In 2012. There was only 1 option. Reply 1 for Super Long Life 365.
Step 7: Press 1 to confirm that you have selected RM30.00 with 365 days validity.

I have to say that MAXIS PrePaid offers a more straightforward option to extend expiry.

If this helps, please share it.