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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Razak's out --- bless Atlantuya's soul

The man's out. That's exactly how justice is served in Malaysia --- fair and square. I knew from the start of the case that Razak Baginda was innocent. He only had an intimate relationship with Atlantuya; so what if she's "allegedly" murdered by 2 special task policemen that he asked to help.

Being with another woman besides your legal married wife is not a crime and should never be. So he's innocent and so be it. From the pics in the local dailies, Razak certainly does not look in anyway like he's been to jail; in fact he looks like any regular rich joe on the street.

Even the grieving father (Dr. Shariibu) has gotten past his grief and has nothing more to say except that this is Malaysian justice. Hey! I take offence to that. malaysia for your information has a really good judicial system with an excellent track record! A man cannot be tried twice for the same crime!

Kudos Razak. I hope that you make up for lost time. God bless you.

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