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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Good bye Pak Lah

It is a sad day for Malaysia. Yours truly is really affected by having to bear witness, in my lifetime, of a great statesman Abdullah Badawi. In his last formal press interview as the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Pak Lah showed much of the great charisma he has from the days of the old. It is most unfortunate that most people consider him as a failed politician. I for one, beg to differ. If not because of Pak Lah there would not be so much freedom in the country. Those that do not condone his actions are the remnants of the old ways, for them power must be absolute and unquestionable. To me I studied history and learned of the struggles of our Malaysian forefathers. To our Bapa Malaysia (the late Tunku Abdul Rahman), Bapa Kereta (Mahathir Mohamad), and Bapa Kebebasan (Pak Lah), I salute you all and admire you all for making Malaysia what she is today. Hopefully Najib will assume the mantle of being the most powerful man in Malaysia with the support and devotion of the masses. He may yet become the wisest and best Prime Minister yet by attaining the title of "Father of Unity and Equality" with his One Malaysia Concept.

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