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Friday, April 10, 2009

Mr Karpal Singh you are so darn right

In The Star paper today, an article appeared alongside the news bearing the long awaited outcome of the Atlantuya murder of which has plagued us for many months and years to effect:

The 2 UTK (Special Action Unit) personnel has finally been found guilty and as expected the case will be drawn longer with review when they make their appeals against the judgment. Karpal Singh in a separate article called for the mastermind to be charged with the murder as well. It is agreeable to a certain extent that these 2, although having carried out the ghastly and overly method(s) of the murder are mere pawns. In the absence of a motive for the murder, they are only accessories and tools to carry out the same. It is only logical that the real instigator and person behind them should be identified and brought to justice.

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