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Friday, May 2, 2008

Right or Wrong ~ who can tell?

The scene in Malaysia gets more interesting day by day. Just the other day the Malaysian public had a nice dose of Malaysia-styled politics in the first Parliament sitting after the elections. It simply amazes me that in all my working life and of attending business and work meetings, perhaps in a lesser way, but I have never encountered such a public (aired live) display of childish behaviour. Made worse by the fact that these are people representatives elected by the people to govern.

Why cant they, the elected representatives, behave in a mature and more dignified matter? Firstly there's the order of the house which needs to be maintained. That's the role of the House Speaker. Proper and due respect should be given to the poor man. He cant even maintain order...the poor soul. I mean rules and regulations are meant to be followed...for heaven's sake. Is the public' voice to be ridiculed? On a personal note, I believe that the moderator/House Speaker should be one who is apolitical and appointed for his background in public service not by political association or camaderie. He or She should be one who is fair and listens to both sides. Then perhaps a higher level of respect can be attained.

Seriously, people in Parliament are there for a good reason. They are supposed to highlight matters that are important on a whole that affects the nation and its people. They who make fun or behave selfishly should be removed from their position.

What is perceived as a wrong may be considered as a right by some individuals. Are the masses to rule in this matter? Bringing religion, racial discrimination, and/or personal self gain is not the way.

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