The prominent Malaysian Opposition Party politician has been identified as Elizabeth Wong. She has since submitted her resignation after the photos of her in the "nude" were circulated to the media. The pictures purportedly shows Elizabeth Wong, one of Malaysia's top human rights activists, sleeping in her bedroom. If that is the case and if the pictures were taking unawares to her, I stand by that there is then no issue at all and no need for her to resign at all. If morality, and to venture a step higher, the personal habits of people were to be used as yard sticks I believe that many politicians would fail in that area.
Speculation by the media is that the images may have been taken by a former boyfriend.
The photographs, which are circulating via mobile phone but have not yet been published in the media, have caused a political storm in Malaysia.
Wong, a bespectacled 37-year-old who is not married, is a well-known member of the multiracial Keadilan party led by Anwar Ibrahim, who helms the three-member Pakatan Rakyat opposition alliance. She has won support from both sides of the political divide, including from women in the Barisan Nasional coalition and the Pakatan Rakyat.
The prude of a man Mohamad Khir Toyo, the former Barisan Nasional chief minister of Selangor has also questioned her moral values for allowing a man in her room since she is still single. Mind you Mr. Toyo, every individual is entitled to their own lifestyle and social norms. Just because you "don't" does mean that others can't even if they did.
Vote that Elizabeth stays on. On this matter, dear Elizabeth you should have no qualms about staying on since you were in the dark of those pictures taken. By all means possible the police should bring the culprits to book and ensure that the heaviest penalty is imposed.
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