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Monday, September 8, 2008

Working with Friends

I'm all for working with Friends (not Family - tell you later why). Ever felt or wondered why working with people is so much different than working for them? My affliction started when I first joined the workforce, people tend to work better with me or me with them when we developed a working-friendship relationship. At the same, people I regarded as friends didn't do quite so well as working associates. The difference here that I'm trying to say is that as the relationship is built and fostered at work it gets better. However, if that someone is known to us prior to us working together, the results are most likely to fare less better.

A classic example is John (a close friend of mine who shared his experiences with me),

From Employer to Friend - John started working with a pharmaceutical factory after completing college. Armed with his diploma qualification, he tackled many interviews for job openings before finally receiving an offer to join this company. When John first joined the company, he did not know anyone in the company nor did he know any other person in that industry. John struggled hard to prove his capabilities and attempted to excel in his position as a Marketing Officer. He enjoyed working although it seemed like an uphill task working absent of support from his peers. But things changed soon after his company director noticed him and they became friends. John's work also became much easier because he now had a friend to relate to at work and he continued working there until today.

Another example this time from Joann,

From Friend to Employer - Joann had been working for a few years when a childhood friend of hers called her. Her friend wanted Joann to join her in his food services company as the company was expanding and needed more staff. Thinking it was ok, Joann resigned from her company of 3 years and started her new working life in her friend's company. 5 months later, Joann threw in the towel and resigned from her position as Regional Marketing Manager. Although the pay was good and she had the support of her subordinates, work with the friend was no bed of roses. He would call her in the middle of the night to talk work and insult her at meetings although she had no wrong. He would humiliate her and had no qualms about talking about her personal details of her life behind her back to her peers in the company. Joann had enough and it was sweet relief for her when she left. Funny thing is they became friends again and even joked about the whole incident.

What was that saying again? Being too familiar with someone will only breed contempt? Very true to a certain extent. Proceed with caution my friends. Perhaps work if you must but at all times maintain a level of professional distance and make it known earlier your expectations if its a friend.

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